Carole Fry, Sopraan
Carole        Nederlands   ·   Francais   ·   English   ·   Deutsch   ·   Italiano

In France

My wish to sing came out early, and at 13 years old I did my first performance as a soloist. I was then encouraged to go further on. At 15, quickly accepted in the chosen singers'group making concerts for Le Petit Conservatoire de Mireille, I sang there French songs and operette. Looking for the way I would express myself the best, I went at 16 to the Claude Debussy's Conservatorium, Paris 17th, in the singing class of I.LVillisech.

Next to my university's studies and during 5 years of singing, the classical repertory fitting beter with the quality and the length of my voice, collorature sopran, I decided to go for a Music life. Though, I followed a full time Music course at the Maitrise Notre-Dame de Paris, focused on religius Music, by B.Gaucet for technique and others masterclasses. At the same time, inscribed at the CNR d'Aubervilliers-La Courneuve, I joined the class of  E.Razimovsky.

Trying to find new influences, I went on my vocal way with A.M Rodde at the Nadia Boulanger's Conservatorium, Paris 9th. Regularly participating to masterclasses by my free time, it was by one of them that I decided to go to Holland to pursue my superior singing studies.

In Holland

In 1995, for 3 years, I was taught by Udo Reinemann at the Sweelinck Conservatorium of Amsterdam. Wishing to develop my technical skills I took private lessons by M.Honig for 2 years, then 5 years by R.Kleekamp. Nowedays still by J.Dielemann, J.Sarphati, and G.Berghs. I thank all my teachers for their help. These last years my goal is to grow in my musical identity to confirm my wish to sing
